En esta etapa, nuestros alumnos comienzan a conocer la forma escrita del idioma extranjero. No obstante, en los primeros cursos la base continúa siendo fundamentalmente práctica y oral.
Seguiremos trabajando las estructuras básicas de comunicación y el vocabulario que, oralmente, aprendieron durante la etapa de educación infantil. Mientras tanto, en el desarrollo de las diferente unidades, los alumnos irán conociendo la forma escrita, así como adquiriendo el nuevo vocabulario y posteriormente las nuevas estructuras.

Unidad de introducción.

a) Vocabulario:
• Revisión comida (apples, cake, orange, sandwich, bananas, juice).
• Revisión colores (green, pink, yellow, purple, red, blue, orange).
• Revisión objetos aula (book, chair, pencil, table, crayon, glue, pencil case, rubber, school bag, sharpener)
• Revisión juguetes (ball, kites, cars, dolls, plane, teddy)
• Revisión animals (dogs, birds, parrot, cat, dolphin, rabbit)
• Los números (1 al 10).

b) Estructuras:
• Hello! What’s your name?
• My name’s…
• How are you? I’m fine, thanks/thank you. How about you?
• Point to…
• How old are you?
• What’s your favourite animal/colour/food?
• My favourite (colour) is …
• It’s (blue).
• I’ve got a …

Unidad 1.

a) Vocabulario:
• El aula (bin, board, bookcase, computer, cupboard, door, plant, teacher window, pencil, pencil case, rubber, ruler, school bag, sharpener).
• Los juguetes y mascotas (ball, car, hámster, plane, teddy).
• El alfabeto.
• Las preposiciones de lugar (behind, in, under..).
• Los colores (blue, green, orange, pink, purple, red, yellow)

b) Estructuras:
• Point to the …
• Where’s the …? It’s (in)… / The … is (in) the ..
• What a surprise!
• Touch your nose! Clap your hands! Count to ten! Nod your head!
• My name’s got (four) letters.
• Is it (in)…?

Unidad 2.

a) Vocabulario:
• La ropa (coat, dress, jacket, jeans, jumper, shoe, shorts, trousers, T-shirt, hat).

b) Estructuras:
• What are you wearing today?
• I’m wearing ...
• Are you wearing…? Yes/No, I’m wearing …
• I’m wearing a (black) hat.

Unidad 3.

a) Vocabulario:
• El tiempo (cloudy, cold, hot, raining, snowing, sunny, windy).

b) Estructuras:
• What’s the weather like?
• It’s (sunny).
• It’s (cold) and (raining).
• What’s the weather like today?
• Put your hat on.
• Is it snowing?
• Is it (hot) today? Yes, it is /No, it isn’t
• I’m on holiday. It’s …
• Let’s go …

Unidad 4.

a) Vocabulario:
• Los animales (bird, crocodile, elephant, lion, monkey, penguin, snake, tiger, zebra, parrot, butterly).
• Acciones (climb, fly, jump, run, swim)

b) Estructuras:
• A (tiger) can/can’t (fly).
• It can/can’t (fly)
• It / he can/can’t (fly)
• Can a (penguin) (swim)? Yes, it can / No, it can’t.

Unidad 5.

a) Vocabulario:
• Las profesiones (bus driver, chef, doctor, fire fighter, footballer, musician, nurse, pilot).

b) Estructuras:
• This is my (dad). He’s/She’s a …
• He has got … / She has got…
• I’m wearing (a yellow hat). What’s my job?.

Unidad 6.

a) Vocabulario:
• Actividades de tiempo libre (dancing, drawing, listening to music, painting, playing computer games, playing football, reading, watching TV).

b) Estructuras:
• What are you doing? I’m (listening to music).
• Are you (reading)? Yes, I am/ No, I’m not.
• My hobby is … What’s your hobby?

Unidad 7.

a) Vocabulario:
• Frutas y verduras (carrots, cauliflower, grapes, peas, potatoes, pumpkin, strawberries, tomatoes, watermelon).
• Animales (bee, butterfly, snail, worm)
• Partes del cuerpo (ears, eyes, legs)
• Los números 1 al 20

b) Estructuras:
• How many …. can you see?
• How many … are there?
• Look at …
• Come on ..
• They’re (big).
• It’s … / It can … / Has it got…?

Unidad 8.

a) Vocabulario:
• Actividades de ocio (do gymnastics, do karate, juggle, play basketball, play the recorder, play the piano, play the guitar, ride a bike, rollerblade, sing, do magic tricks, dance, make a cake, climb a tree, stand on my hands, jump on a trampoline).

b) Estructuras:
• Can you…? Yes, I can / No, I can’t
• I can …
• I can…/ I can’t..