En esta etapa, nuestros alumnos comienzan a conocer la forma escrita del idioma extranjero. No obstante, en los primeros cursos la base continúa siendo fundamentalmente práctica y oral.
Seguiremos trabajando las estructuras básicas de comunicación y el vocabulario que, oralmente, aprendieron durante la etapa de educación infantil. Mientras tanto, en el desarrollo de las diferente unidades, los alumnos irán conociendo la forma escrita, así como adquiriendo el nuevo vocabulario y posteriormente las nuevas estructuras.

Unidad 1.

a) Vocabulario:
• Ordinal Numbers: 1st-30th.
• Days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
• Months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.
• School subjects: English, Spanish, French, Art, Maths, Music, IT, PE.
• Categories: sports, food, colours, clothes, pets.

b) Estructuras:
• What’s your name?
• Hello, I’m…
• Do you like Maths? Yes, I do / No, I don’t.
• What’s your favourite…?
• What have you got after lunch? Maths.

Unidad 2.

a) Vocabulario:
• After-school activities: have tea, play football, play the piano, read books, listen to music, do homework, watch TV, meet a friend.
• Times: It’s five o’clock / quarter past five / half past five / quarter to six.

b) Estructuras:
• Can you help me, please?
• Sorry, darling. I’m watching TV.
• Ask Granny.
• What’s the time? Its (five) o’clock.
• What are you doing after school?
• Playing basketball.

Unidad 3.

a) Vocabulario:
• Places: jungle, island, town, village, mountain, river, beach, lake.
• Transport: car, bus, train, bike, boat, plane.

b) Estructuras:
• Where do we go now? We go across the river.
• What’s your favourite place for a holiday? The beach.
• How do you go to school? By bus.

Unidad 4.

a) Vocabulario:
• Places in town: zoo, sports centre, swimming pool, bus stop, castle, restaurant, shop, supermarket, shopping centre, church, hospital, park.
• Prepositions: next to, opposite.

b) Estructuras:
• You can’t play football here! This is a swimming pool.
• Where shall we meet?
• At the zoo.
• Do you want to go to the…?
• Is the castle opposite / next to the…?

Unidad 5.

a) Vocabulario:
• Daily routines: get up, have a shower, get dressed, have breakfast, start school, finish school, have dinner, go to bed.
• Breakfast: juice, milk, cereal, toast, bacon, eggs.

b) Estructuras:
• Get up!
• I’m getting up.
• What time can you stay out till?
• Six o’clock.
• What time do you get up?
• What do you have for breakfast?

Unidad 6.

a) Vocabulario:
• Animals: tiger, camel, giraffe, whale, shark, kangaroo, crocodile, eagle.
• Places (habitat): forest, sea, grassland, desert, sky.

b) Estructuras:
• Can I have a cup of tea, please?
• Yes, but sit still and don’t kick / jump / stretch / hop.
• Are you scared of crocodiles? No, not me!
• Can it…?
• Does it live in…?
• Does it eat…?

Unidad 7.

a) Vocabulario:
• Jobs: doctor, nurse, teacher, police officer, dentist, singer, vet, footballer.
• Adjectives: tall, short, thin, fat, curly hair, straight hair.

b) Estructuras:
• I want to be a police officer.
• You’re going to be a police officer.
• What do you want to be when you grow up?
• A vet.

Unidad 8.

a) Vocabulario:
• Camping holidays: toothbrush, toothpaste, towel, comb, sleeping bag, torch, backpack, pyjamas.
• Holiday activities: ride a horse, ride a bike, sail a boat, fly a kite.
• Prepositions: in, on, under.

b) Estructuras:
• Here’s my toothbrush!
• Oh, dear, Mitch isn’t in the bath!
• Have you a good holiday. You too!