En esta etapa, nuestros alumnos comienzan a conocer la forma escrita del idioma extranjero. No obstante, en los primeros cursos la base continúa siendo fundamentalmente práctica y oral.
Seguiremos trabajando las estructuras básicas de comunicación y el vocabulario que, oralmente, aprendieron durante la etapa de educación infantil. Mientras tanto, en el desarrollo de las diferente unidades, los alumnos irán conociendo la forma escrita, así como adquiriendo el nuevo vocabulario y posteriormente las nuevas estructuras.

Unidad 1.

a) Vocabulario:
• Weather, Clothes, Food, Animals, Jobs.
• School subjects: English, Spanish, French, Greek, Arabic.
• Instruments: piano, guitar, drums. violin.
• Animals: dog, cat, parrot, mouse, monkey, horse, snake.
• Countries: Mexico, Argentina, the USA, Morocco, Spain, France, Greece, the UK.

b) Estructuras:
• What’s your name?
• Hello, I’m…
• I live in…
• I speak…
• I play…
• I’m…
• I can…
• I’ve got…
• Am I…?
• Can I…?
• Have I got…?
• I’m not…
• I can’t…
• I haven’t got…

Unidad 2.

a) Vocabulario:
• Adjectives: dark, fair, strong, weak, thin, fat, tall, short, long, curly, straight, ugly, good-looking, bald.
• Body: eyes, ears, nose, mouth, skin, beard, freckles, scar, glasses, brace.

b) Estructuras:
• He / She is…
• He / She can…
• He / She has got…
• Is / Can he / she…?
• He / She isn’t…
• He / She can’t…
• He / She hasn’t got…
• Has he / she got…?

Unidad 3.

a) Vocabulario:
• House: living-room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, bath, door, window, floor, mirror, chair, table, sofa, cupboard, shelf, TV, picture.
• Tasks: make the dinner, lay the table, wash the dishes, clean the floor, make the bed, water the plants, feed the cat, walk the dog.

b) Estructuras:
• I make the bed.
• He washes the dishes.
• I don’t walk the dog.
• She doesn’t feed the cat.
• Do you clean the floor?
• Does he lay the table?

Unidad 4.

a) Vocabulario:
• Clothes: trousers, jeans, skirt, dress, shirt, jumper, shoes, socks, pyjamas, trainers, tracksuit, T-shirt, shorts, swimsuit, sweatshirt, cap.
• Sports: tennis, volleyball, hockey, golf, gym, ballet, swim, ride a horse.

b) Estructuras:
• I’m wearing jeans.
• She’s swimming.
• I’m not playing golf.
• He isn’t riding a horse.

Unidad 5.

a) Vocabulario:
• Daily routines: get up, have a shower, get dressed, have breakfast, start school, have lunch, finish school, go home, do homework, have dinner, go to bed, watch TV, watch a DVD, listen to music, read a book, read a comic.
• Times: two o’clock, five past, quarter past, twenty past, half past, twenty-five to, quarter to, ten to.

b) Estructuras:
• I eat at ten o’clock.
• He has dinner at half past six.
• I don’t watch TV at quarter part three.
• She doesn’t read a book at ten past five.
• Do you finish school at twenty-past five?
• Does he do homework at eight o’clock?

Unidad 6.

a) Vocabulario:
• Directions: North, South, East, West.
• Adjectives: high, long, big, small, hot, cold, wet, dry.
• Places: city, country, mountain, beach, lake, desert, ocean, sea, continent, island, volcano, jungle, river, waterfall.

b) Estructuras:
• The biggest country is…
• The hottest dessert is…
• The most beautiful painting is…
• Which is the highest mountain?
• Which is the most interesting city?
• There’s a long lake in the south.

Unidad 7.

a) Vocabulario:
• Places: park, supermarket, shop, restaurant, swimming pool, library, hospital, zoo, theatre, cinema, funfair museum, shopping centre, sports centre, health centre, police station.
• Weather: sunny, windy, cloudy, stormy, foggy, raining, snowing, freezing.

b) Estructuras:
• Where were you on Saturday?
• I was at the park.
• What was the weather like?
• It was sunny.
• Was she at the swimming pool last Wednesday?
• Yes, she was / No, she wasn’t.

Unidad 8.

a) Vocabulario:
• Food: apple, pear, strawberry, peach, lettuce, tomato, cauliflower, meat, fish, chicken, cheese, egg, chocolate, bread, rice, potatoes, soup, sandwich, salad, pizza, ice cream, cake, juice, milkshake.

b) Estructuras:
• Do you ever…?
• Yes, every day.
• Yes, sometimes.
• No, never.